How can we help you?
Our team of administrators will try to solve any technical problem related to domains, SSL certificates and servers. We can also help you with marketing, newsletters and other website related topics.

We will try to solve any of your IT problems
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is cPanel and how to log in there?
The hosting account is managed through an administration panel called cPanel. From the Customer Panel, go to the Services section, select a server and then click the Login to cPanel button. Access to the panel is also possible directly using the login and password that was sent after setting up the hosting account.
- What is the fee after one year for hosting?
The fee is an annual fee, which means the same amount every year. Not twice as expensive, not three times as expensive, just exactly as it is on the hosting page. Just because other hosting companies hide their prices for subsequent years, doesn’t mean we do.
- How to enable Let’s Encrypt certificate?
You do not need to enable it. The certificate is issued automatically if the domain correctly points to our servers and does not exceed the limits of free certificates.
- How to change PHP version?
Nowadays, most websites are built using the PHP programming language. Its version selection can have a significant impact on the way the website works (in terms of functionality), and also on its loading speed – which we wrote about in our blog article: Why you should upgrade to PHP 7.1 7.2. Sticking to the latest version of PHP greatly improves your website security.
Servers and hosting
- Can I increase my hosting?
Yes, you can do it yourself from the Customer Panel in your Services. An order will be generated to pay for the difference between the packages, and after it is paid, the hosting will be increased automatically.
- How to configure mail?
When configuring your email client, application or external service that will use your mailbox, you will be required to enter the incoming mail server (IMAP or POP3) and outgoing mail server (SMTP) addresses. For more details, see the Client Panel Guide.
- Is it possible to connect to a MySQL / MariaDB database remotely?
No, because such connections are unencrypted and for security reasons we do not allow them. We can prepare such a database with an encrypted connection or tunnel on VPS or dedicated servers.
- Is SSH available on the hosting?
On shared servers, such as hosting, we do not provide a Bash shell for security reasons. If you need to execute commands – please report it via Support and we will execute them for you.
- Where can I find a personal data processing entrustment agreement?
This agreement is an integral part of Terms and Conditions and you can find it on It is included when you create an account in the Customer Panel. If you need a paper version, you can print it, sign it and send it back to us. We will send it back to you with our signatures.
- What is a Web Application Firewall?
Web Application Firewall, or WAF for short, is a service that analyzes traffic to your site and then tries to protect it from attacks such as SQL injection, XSS, Path Traversal or Brute-Froce.
- How to retrieve the password to Customer Panel?
You can recover your Client Panel password by yourself by using the password reminder form. Just enter the e‑mail address assigned to your profile and you will receive new login details.
- How do I enable two-factor authentication?
You can enable additional security settings including two-factor authentication in the Client Panel under Profile Security.
- What is the cost of hosting renewal?
The cost of hosting is yearly, which means the same amount for purchase as for renewal. You can always check the current prices on our website.
- How do I change the service billing period?
If you have a service that is billed monthly and you want it to be billed annually, we can change this period for you. Just contact us through the Customer Panel in the Payments section and we will prepare the appropriate documents for you.
- Incorrect data on a VAT invoice
If the invoice we have issued contains incorrect information, please contact us through the Customer Panel with the Payment Department. Before sending us a request, please make sure that your details in the Customer Panel are correct, as this is what we invoice you for.
- When will I receive a VAT invoice?
VAT invoices are issued automatically if you have provided correct data when creating your account. Otherwise you should receive accounting document within 7 working days. If this has not happened, please contact us through the Customer Panel in the Payments section.
- Remember to verify the domain registrant
If this is your first time registering a .com foreign domain, a confirmation link will come to your email, confirming that you are a domain registrant. You have to click it. Otherwise, the domain will be blocked by the registry.
- Domain configuration and DNS record settings
You can manage your domain DNS records through cPanel in the Zone Editor section. You can log in to it from the Client Panel. For more information, see Domain configuration and DNS records settings guide
.- Domain with national characters – IDN
An IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) defines a domain that uses national diacritics specific to a particular language.
- Domain renewed from quarantine and propagation
Each domain is registered for a specific period of time and has its life cycle – from registration to expiration. If it is not paid in time, it goes into BLOCKED status. During this time, the subscriber can still get it back, i.e. redeem it from quarantine for an additional fee.
SSL Certificates
- What is the difference between a paid SSL and a free one?
Commercial SSL certificates are issued for one year in advance and do not need to be renewed every few months. Commercial certificates are also offered in OV and EV versions. For more information, see our article.
- Why is my site showing as unsecured?
Your site may show as insecure if you have not adjusted it to work with an SSL certificate. Make sure that all page elements like images and CSS style files are loaded via https:// and not http://.
- When will Let’s Encrypt be generated?
Let’s Encrypt certificates are generated automatically twice a day. The exception is when a new domain or subdomain is added to the hosting, then the certificate generation is attempted immediately.
- Managing AutoSSL service on hosting
An SSL certificate on your website increases the security of your customers and boosts your website’s visibility in search engines. In our hosting panel – cPanel you can manage the AutoSSL service yourself. This service assigns a free Let’s Encrypt certificate to the website and renews it automatically. Thanks to this you do not have to worry about certificate expiry dates. AutoSSL checks the status of certificates twice a day and tries to issue them if necessary.
Didn’t find the answer to your question?
Write to us, describing in as much detail as possible, the problem you cannot cope with. We will try to help you as soon as possible and solve it.