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Jak przygotować stronę na Black Friday lub większy ruch?
Kamil Porembiński
Kamil Porembiński

How do you get your website ready for Black Friday or more traffic?

Too much website traffic can be as disastrous as no traffic at all. A traffic disaster results in server overload. In such a situation, no one is able to use e.g. your online store’s offer, and you do not earn. Learn how to optimally prepare your website for increased traffic.

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  1. 5 rzeczy, o których musisz pamiętać, tworząc stronę
    Kamil Porembiński Kamil Porembiński 14 May 2018

    Need a website? 5 things to keep in mind

    Creating websites is usually a complex process, which more than placing an order and waiting for a courier, resembles the process of sewing a “tailor-made” product. During project implementation, as well as after implementation, many unexpected costs may occur. I would like to draw your attention to 5 aspects that will help you avoid unnecessary…

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