Let’s Encrypt wspiera certyfikaty typu Wildcard
Kamil Porembiński
Kamil Porembiński

Let’s Encrypt supports Wildcard certificates

Earlier this year the Let’s Encrypt project announced that it intends to introduce support for wildcard certificates. The work has dragged a little bit, but today we can already enjoy the ability to generate certificates for many subdomains. The ACME protocol, which meets IETF standards, has been updated.

Wildcard certificates allow you to secure your main domain and all subdomains (subdomains) with one SSL certificate. Nevertheless, the project still recommends the use of certificates for one subdomain/domain in most cases. Wildcard certificates are only available to be generated using the ACMEv2 protocol. You need to update the client who is responsible for generating the certificates in order to be able to use them. The date when ACMEv1 will cease to work has not yet been given.

From the statistics provided by the project it is possible to read that over 53 million certificates are active. Let’s Encrypt is planning to double this number in 2018, to about 90 million. A year later almost 120 million domains are to be secured. The aim of the project is to cover every website with SSL certificates.

Let's Encrypt Statistics
Let’s Encrypt Statistics

Let’s Encrypt Certificates are available free of charge and are provided with not all of our hosting accounts. Wildcard support will be launched soon.