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Jak sprawdzić DNS?
Kamil Porembiński
Kamil Porembiński

How to check your DNS or DNS of a website?

DNS servers are often the target for cyberattacks, which may include Cache Poisoning phishing consisting in send fake information to a DNS server that directs the user to fake websites. Do you wonder how to check the DNS server of your computer or website? Take a look at our guide.

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  1. Co to jest DNS?
    Kamil Porembiński Kamil Porembiński 22 September 2020

    What is DNS?

    Imagine the Internet where instead of entering domain names (e.g. you would have to enter IP addresses (e.g. to visit a website of your favourite hosting company. That doesn’t sound right, does it? Fortunately, we don’t have to do this as this is handled by DNS servers. Take a look at our article…

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  1. Bezpieczniejsze ustawienia SSL na serwerach
    Kamil Porembiński Kamil Porembiński 20 December 2017

    Safer SSL settings on servers

    SSL certificates have been a determinant of a properly configured hosting service for many years. Thanks to them we can be sure that the transmission between two computers is fully secure and impossible to decrypt. A few years ago we published an article: Secure SSL configuration on Apache server, where we described how to generate…

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