Information in relation to the coronavirus
Current events around the world have a real impact on the operation of our company and our partners, so we provide you with important information related to the operation of our services.
In connection with the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus, which causes COVID-19 disease, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced the closure of all educational facilities, sports facilities, etc. for a period of two weeks.
Podjęliśmy decyzję o zamknięciu wszystkich placówek oświatowych i szkół wyższych na dwa tygodnie – poinformował w środę premier Mateusz Morawiecki. W czwartek i piątek szkoły zapewnią opiekę, ale nie będzie w nich lekcji.
Our employees work in a hybrid model. We work from an office building in Łódź or remotely from any place at our discretion. For many years this model has worked perfectly and gave us a lot of flexibility of hours and place of work. From now on, we are moving to a completely remote work, so you will not be able to meet us in the office.
Many of our employees have children in nurseries and kindergartens. Preventive closure of all educational facilities is a good decision in the fight against the virus. For many of us, this means taking care of children at home during working hours.
Spis treści
What does that mean to you?
This means that you can wait a little longer for a response from our support, just as we will not be able to respond to all calls. Don’t get angry when you have to wait a little longer for information from us in your customer panel or cottage. We plan to keep our response times low and to act as quickly and efficiently as possible.
However, we must remember that similar activities will take place in other companies such as domain registries, Internet providers, etc. There, too, reaction times may become longer, which may affect our work.
How can we improve communication?
If you are planning to migrate your website to us, please read our article about it. Give us as much information as possible on what to move, get the required access to the site, mail, etc. This will make it easier for us to move your website more quickly and efficiently.
If you are making a request to us, you want to make sure that the service is working, give us as much detail as possible about the problem. The more data we receive, the faster we can help you. Please also read the article How to ask questions to get help?
What to do? How to live?
Don’t panic and keep your sense. Wash your hands often and keep your server clean and tidy, not just on the server. Avoid large clusters of people unless it is an online meeting on IRC.
Good luck and see you online!
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