Strony bez szyfrowania SSL będą oznaczane jako niezabezpieczone
Kamil Porembiński
Kamil Porembiński

Pages without SSL encryption will be marked as unsecured

For several months now, Chrome developers have been trying to educate users that encrypted HTTPS connections are much safer for them. An important step in this respect was the introduction of the Unsecured designation in Chrome 62. It was displayed on pages with forms that did not have markings.

It is worth remembering that all our hosting servers have a free Let’s Encrypt certificate.

Chrome plans to introduce permanent marking with an unprotected page

Starting in July 2018, Chrome 68 will introduce a full Unsecured label for all pages without SSL certificate.

Unprotected page
Unprotected page

Over the last period of time the programmers have started an intensive transfer of websites to HTTPS, thanks to which the Internet has become much more secure. Here are short statistics about traffic:

  • More than 68% of Chrome traffic on Windows and Android is encrypted
  • More than 78% of Chrome browser traffic on Chrome OS and MacOS systems is encrypted
  • 81 of the 100 most popular websites use SSL certificates

Chrome tries to facilitate the transition to encrypted connections as much as possible. The browser has introduced mixed content audits to help developers migrate their websites to HTTPS. Lighthouse software has already been modified in this respect by the Audits panel.

Chrome’s new browser interface is designed to help users understand that HTTP pages are not secure. However, it is recommended that you adapt your site to HTTPS as soon as possible.

Firefox was the first to introduce such a designation

At the beginning of January 2017 such a designation was introduced as the first Firefox 51 browser. 9 months later it appeared in Chrome 62.

After entering the page, the user should see three types of stamps at the top: green padlock, no padlock and a grey padlock with a red crossed-out. The first one will appear to us when the website has an SSL certificate. On the other hand, if the website does not have secure encryption.

Site secured with SSL
Site secured with SSL
Sites not secured by SSL
Sites not secured by SSL

The third will be when you have the forms to fill in on the website.

Sites not secured by SSL

The third will be when you have the forms to fill in on the website.

Additionally, in the current versions of Firefox browser, there are balloons next to the form fields, which inform about entering data when the connection is not encrypted. This is to prevent users from leaking sensitive data.

Sites not secured by SSL

As you can also see on the picture above there is a grey padlock with a red cross.

It is worth reading our article: What is HTTP/2 and is it worth implementing?