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Bezpieczniejsze ustawienia SSL na serwerach
Kamil Porembiński
Kamil Porembiński

Safer SSL settings on servers

SSL certificates have been a determinant of a properly configured hosting service for many years. Thanks to them we can be sure that the transmission between two computers is fully secure and impossible to decrypt. A few years ago we published an article: Secure SSL configuration on Apache server, where we described how to generate…

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  1. Why switch to PHP 7.1, 7.2?
    Kamil Porembiński Kamil Porembiński 11 October 2017

    Why switch to PHP 7.1, 7.2?

    We have always encouraged you to update your software. Very often it brings new features, better performance and bug fixing in previous versions. On January 19, 2017, PHP 5.6 lost the active support of its developers. This means that the language is no longer actively developed. At present, developers are introducing only critical security improvements.…

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  1. Deployment oprogramowania metodą Blue-Green
    Kamil Porembiński Kamil Porembiński 28 June 2017

    Blue-Green software deployment

    One of the most important activities in working with IT systems is the release of code for production or software update. Not so long ago, new versions of the software were available on CDs released several times a year in the form of newsletters. With the advent of agile software development, cyclical releases appeared at…

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